Sunday, February 5, 2012

Accomplishment of the week

I made some students fight this week. So that's good right? It got heated over the issue of whether identity should matter in evaluating a work of art. Also, a student wrote on the board, in response to a probing question from the other side, "2+2≠art." She wiped chalk from her righteous fingers and sashayed back to her seat triumphantly. That about made my week. Also, it was over this lady pictured above. Hrostvitha (or Hrostvita or Roswitha) of Gandersheim. 10th century nun, playwright, and all around bad ass. Her plays feature folks falling in love with pots and pans. Good stuff.
Spent a night in my own state of self-righteousness this week trying to talk a friend into a new career path. When, of course, really what I was describing is the path that I wanted to follow. But I don't think I'm sad about that, even though my psychology was showing in the most embarrassing of ways. I think getting people to fight over 10th century nuns is great, too.